pre { background: #333; white-space: pre; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: auto; }

Step 3: Go

The final step that moves Hopr sidecars to deployment with host workloads

NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGEhopr-p2p-6d4687599c-w9p9b   4/4     Running   0          60s
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Once you have your YAML files all set, its time to deploy!

XTRA Deployment

kubectl apply -f hopr-p2p.yaml

You should see an output example similar to this:

namespace/hopr-p2p created
configmap/hopr-envoyconfig created
configmap/hopr-webserver-script created
secret/hopr-registrycreds created
secret/hopr-license created
deployment.apps/hopr-p2p created
service/hopr-webserver-service created

Congratulations! Your Hopr sidecar is deployed!

Lets Check to Verify everything looks good!

Check that the pod has all containers running on each cluster:


kubectl get pods -n hopr-p2p

You should see an output example similar to this:

NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hopr-p2p-6d4687599c-w9p9b   4/4     Running   0          60s

Check the logs for the container, which is attempting to contact the other cluster endpoint via encrypted communication. Use the pod name from the command output above.


kubectl logs -n hopr-test hopr-test-6d4687599c-w9p9b -c p2p-test

You should see an output example similar to this:

Congratulations. XTRA is configured correctly.

Sleeping 30 ..

XTRA Removal

Remove the hopr-p2p.yaml resources on each cluster:

kubectl delete -f hopr-p2p.yaml
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