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Can Hopr work with any infrastructure?

Hopr can work with any containerized infrastructure, and virtual machines. Hopr is compatible with Kubernetes, Docker Swarm or other Infrastructure as a Service platforms that use containers. Hopr works in all cloud environments.

How does SEE™ differ from mTLS?

SEE™ is complete end-to-end encryption over the entire route between trusted workloads and the encryption can only terminate at trusted workload endpoints. mTLS is not supported everywhere in the cloud. It may terminate at any "boundaries" that occur where PKI credential authorities differ (e.g., the entry to a cloud). And techniques exist for both good and bad actors to remove TLS encryption. This can leave transport layer security gaps and disclose message data. ‍ SEE™ relies on workload identity trust verification at the start of each communication session. mTLS in the cloud relies on automated PKI identity certificates which are generated without vetting the receiving workload identity. They lack the verification of workload trust that is necessary for SEE™. SEE™ is also much simpler and faster to implement. It does not involve the complexity of setting up PKI certificate authorities and managers, or key management systems, or secrets managers.

How is key generation for SEE™ synchronized?

Sidecars self-synchronize during secrets construction using their CHIPS™ algorithm. The client (the initiating workload) in a communication session builds its symmetric key first and the server (the workload receiving the encrypted client message) builds its symmetric key when the encrypted message is received (at nearly the same time as the client built its key).

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